Saari Development

This blog is intended to be a log of my (Ali Rizvi's) professional ramblings as a software development engineer. I intend to add logs of my experience with different technologies, software, tech books/articles and related stuff from time to time. My intention is to have an archive for my personal use and public benefit.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Vim: Turn off gVim toolbar

I don't know about you but I don't like my gVim real estate to be polluted by toolbar under the menus so in my early days of using gVim I researched and discovered a way to turn them off.

Here is what you need to put in your .gvimrc (or _gvimrc on windows):
" To set the toolbars off (icons on top of the screen)
set guioptions-=T

Vim: Setting height and width of gVim window

I always struggled with this on my windows Vim and today I saw the fix on a vim users mailing list addressing this exact question.

Here is the way to set height (lines) of gVim (graphical Vim) window:
:set lines=40

and here is how to set width (columns) of gVim windows:
:set columns=80