Saari Development

This blog is intended to be a log of my (Ali Rizvi's) professional ramblings as a software development engineer. I intend to add logs of my experience with different technologies, software, tech books/articles and related stuff from time to time. My intention is to have an archive for my personal use and public benefit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My .vimrc (updated 2006-02-10)

" Ali Rizvi's Vim Settings

set number
set shiftwidth=4

set ruler

set incsearch
set hlsearch
set textwidth=80

" from lindes:
syntax on
hi Comment term=bold ctermfg=Cyan guifg=Cyan
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,eol:¬
set autoindent

" from benji fisher to turn on the matchit plugin automatically and more
filetype plugin on

" explicity map file extension .t to perl syntax instead of tads
" which is autodetected by filetype plugin on
" This line should always be after filetype plugin
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.t set syntax=perl

" to show real tabs and spaces in file
set list
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:^,eol:¬
"set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-

"to add spaces instead of tabs
set expandtab

" evil, bad! -- hard tabs should be 8 chars... --lindes
" set tabstop=4
" _but_ we can use this:
set smarttab

" show matching opening brace/paren when typing close
set showmatch

"use arrow keys to move to previous and next buffers
nmap <C-R> :bn<CR>
nmap <C-L> :bp<CR>


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