Saari Development

This blog is intended to be a log of my (Ali Rizvi's) professional ramblings as a software development engineer. I intend to add logs of my experience with different technologies, software, tech books/articles and related stuff from time to time. My intention is to have an archive for my personal use and public benefit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My .vimrc (updated 2006-02-10)

" Ali Rizvi's Vim Settings

set number
set shiftwidth=4

set ruler

set incsearch
set hlsearch
set textwidth=80

" from lindes:
syntax on
hi Comment term=bold ctermfg=Cyan guifg=Cyan
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,eol:¬
set autoindent

" from benji fisher to turn on the matchit plugin automatically and more
filetype plugin on

" explicity map file extension .t to perl syntax instead of tads
" which is autodetected by filetype plugin on
" This line should always be after filetype plugin
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.t set syntax=perl

" to show real tabs and spaces in file
set list
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:^,eol:¬
"set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-

"to add spaces instead of tabs
set expandtab

" evil, bad! -- hard tabs should be 8 chars... --lindes
" set tabstop=4
" _but_ we can use this:
set smarttab

" show matching opening brace/paren when typing close
set showmatch

"use arrow keys to move to previous and next buffers
nmap <C-R> :bn<CR>
nmap <C-L> :bp<CR>

My gvimrc

 " Ali Rizvi's Graphical ViMproved configuration file
" Revision: 1.0 - 09/15/2003

" Always have syntax highlighting in with the gui:
syntax on
" To set the toolbars off (icons on top of the screen)
set guioptions-=T

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

New blog dedicated to my software development adventures

I was feeling the need of something like this for a long time but officially I thought of this new blog today on the bus commuting back home.

I started with looking for a better blogging website then livejournal or blogger both of whom I have used and am using for my various blogs. Two of the blogs that I frequently update are my personal blog and Maryam's (my daughter) photoblog.

I discoverd today how hard it could be to find a good name that is available for your new blog on popular sites like blogger. My main problem with livejournal is that it only gives you one blog per user/login. Blogger gives you as many as you want but livejournal has some nice native clients that you can install and enjoy using for your blog posting. My favorite livejournal client for Windows is Semagic.

The result of searching for the ideal blogging website did not give me many options and I finally decided to give with the tried and tested blogger. Now I need to find a nice client for blogger/blogspot to make it easy on myself to blog.